Nikon's patent application (dated July 16, 2020) for a mirrorless interchangeable lens has been published.
- 【公開番号 publication number】
特開2020-109537(P2020-109537A)- 【公開日 release date】
2020-7-16- 【発明の名称 Name of the Invention】
変倍光学系、光学機器及び変倍光学系の製造方法- 【出願日 application date】
2020-4-7- 【出願人 applicant】
【識別番号 identification number】
【氏名又は名称 Name or Designation】
株式会社ニコン- 【課題 task】
A variant optical system with good optical performance, an optical device, and a method for manufacturing a variant optical system are provided.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
focal length
16.47-48.00 16.47-46.00 24.72-68.00 F値
F number2.87 2.87 2.87-4.20 半画角
half an angle of view
40.8-16.1 40.8-16.8 41.1-17.5 像高
image height
12.81-14.20 12.77-14.20 21.12-21.60 全長
total length
106.349-136.871 117.100-145.217 112.875-143.847 BF 17.00-31.473 17.100-33.349 25.751-25.666 実施例4
Example 4
実施例5 実施例6 焦点距離 30.90-145.50 F値 2.88 半画角 14.5-3.1 像高 7.90-7.97 全長 186.000 BF 23.203
Considering the image height and back focus, the patent was found to be related to an interchangeable lens for mirrorless cameras. Examples 1 to 2 are large-aperture standard zoom lenses for APS-C, and Example 3 is a full-frame f/2.8-2.8 lens. Example 1 to 2 are large aperture standard zoom lenses for APS-C, and Example 3 is a standard zoom lens with a maximum aperture of f/2.8 to f/4 for full size lenses.
Both of these zoom lenses seem to have a slightly smaller image circle at the wide-angle side.
In particular, the image height of the DX zoom lens is not high enough for APS-C, so there is a possibility that the image circle will be stretched out by image processing.
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